Ankur, a short documentary developed by Community Jameel, has been officially selected by the G20 Global Land Initiative to be screened as part of the UNCCD’s evening documentary series at COP16. Ankur explores a community of women in West Bengal banding together to rebuild their lives after the devastation of Cyclone Yaas in 2021. Ankur – which means “seedling” in Bengali – tells the story of an eponymous project to empower women-led collectives in the Sundarbans to restore their homes, build new shelters, and revive their farmland and livelihoods using a combination of traditional farming practices and novel techniques.
Ankur will be screened following a keynote speech by George Richards and serves as the opening act for Tawai, a feature-length documentary in which Bruce Parry embarks on an immersive odyssey to explore the different ways humans relate to nature and how this influences the way we create our societies.
The day of screenings features films on diverse topics such as rainforests, drought, soil, and indigenous communities.