
The state of climate and health research in the GCC

22 September 2022
2pm - 3:30pm (EST)
Sunset Park — Brooklyn Grange, NYC

The Arabian peninsula has seen substantial increase in temperature over the decades. Some part of have already experience an increase of 2.5 degrees celsius compared to pre-industrial levels. Such changes in temperature could potentially have far reaching implications on public health, as well as crop yields and food security in general.

On September 22, 2022 Aeon Collective and Community Jameel are launching a report entitled The State of Climate and Health Research in the GCC that provides a snapshot of the most current research on the state of climate and health in the GCC, giving equal value to what we do know, as well as what is still unknown. This report also highlights the need for further research, additional data and access to existing data that would bring to light new science backed evidence and knowledge for sound policy and decision making.




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