Groundbreaking poverty alleviation project expands with new Arnold Ventures, J-PAL North America collaboration

The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) North America regional office is set to significantly expand its work as a result of a new grant from long-time collaborator and supporter, Arnold Ventures. According to MIT News, the eight-figure, seven-year grant enables J-PAL North America to expand its base of rigorous evidence in effective poverty alleviation solutions, increase capacity and diversity amongst its network of researchers and accelerate the use of evidence towards policy and programming by policymakers and nonprofit organisations.

Vincent Quan, co-executive director of J-PAL North America, says: “J-PAL’s mission is to reduce poverty by ensuring that policy is informed by scientific evidence. We recognise that poverty is a pressing and complex issue, so we work to identify and scale solutions across various sectors, including education, health and labour. This support from Arnold Ventures will take our work to the next level, creating new pathways for generating evidence, informing policy and impacting lives. We are thrilled about this groundbreaking, expanded collaboration with Arnold Ventures on strengthening the evidence-informed ecosystem as we enter J-PAL North America’s second decade.”

MIT News

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