اتصالات 2023: حدود التعليم
The MIT Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab (J-WEL) hosts 'Connections 2023: Education's frontiers', a four-day virtual conference on 23-26 October 2023 at 9h00-17h00 EDT, daily. The conference will explore the frontiers at the centre of J-WEL's work that are shaping the landscape of learning around the world.
The agenda is centred on three pillars of J-WEL's work. The first pillar, 'architecting learning,' examines the evolution of education through innovative technologies, adaptive learning models and dynamic content creation. 'Pathways for talent' explores new pathways to academia for talented individuals from underserved communities globally, to better prepare today's learners for future workforce needs. 'Campus as catalyst' considers the transformative potential of educational institutions in their local and broader communities, and the role of campuses as innovation hubs and centres for global collaboration and social impact.
Throughout the conference, participants are invited to engage with experts that are leading the education transformation, share experiences and insights, forge connections with thought leaders and organisations and gain new insights about how individuals' work aligns with and advances J-WEL's mission in education.
This event is free and open to the public. Registration is required.