ندوة معهد جميل 2023


The Jameel Institute Symposium, in honour of its fourth anniversary, convenes on Thursday, 23 November 2023 at the Imperial College London. The climate and health-themed symposium gathers Imperial College faculty and external experts for panel discussions, talks and breakout sessions under the banner, 'How to reduce the impact of climate change on health: Research evidence on effective intervention.'

The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that climate change will contribute to 250,000 additional malnutrition, malaria, diarrhoea and heat stress-related deaths per year from 2030-2050. Climate change intensifies spread of infectious disease and increases risks of novel zoonotic diseases. Social and environmental health detriments are exacerbated by insufficient access to clean air, safe drinking water, food and shelter.

The Jameel Institute Symposium addresses the impacts of changes in climate and natural environment on health with the goal of advancing evidence-based interventions that protect population health. The symposium examines gaps in current research around interventions, provides networking and knowledge-sharing opportunities and informs strategies to further scientific response to climate change-related health challenges.

مبنى مايكل أورين ، حرم وايت سيتي ، إمبريال كوليدج لندن
Invitation only, registration required
9h30 - 18h00 GMT
مشاهدة البث المباشر


نيل فيرجسون

Director, Jameel Institute

توماس روسون

باحثة في معهد جميل في إمبريال كوليدج لندن

فرانك كيلي

Humphrey Battcock chair in community health and policy, Imperial College London School of Public Health

رالف تومي

Co-director, Grantham Institute, Imperial College London

لور دي بريوكس

Assistant professor, Imperial College London Business School

إيلاريا دوريجاتي

Senior lecturer, Imperial College London School of Public Health

كريستين بيليسوفا

Senior lecturer, global population health, Imperial College London School of Public Health

جيم وودز

Professor of sustainable development, faculty of natural sciences and environmental policy, Imperial College London

سانديب بهارجافا

Manager, CS JP Morgan Sustainable Nutrition Fund

فيرغوس كريج

Commercial director, AXA Health

مادلين طومسون

Head of impacts and adaptation, Wellcome Trust




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نبذة عن الفعالية

Jameel Institute Symposium agenda:

9h00-9h40: Welcome
9h45-11h15: Imperial academics presentations
11h15-11h45: Tea break
11h45-13h00: Panel discussion
13h00-14h00: Lunch
14h00-15h00: Breakout sessions
15h00-15h30: Networking break
15h30-16h30: Reporting back and discussion
16h30-18h00: Drinks reception

Speakers and panelists at the Jameel Institute Symposium include:

Neil Ferguson, director of Jameel Institute and the School of Public Health at Imperial College London; Frank Kelly, Humphrey Battcock chair in community health and policy, Imperial College London; Ralf Toumi, co-director, Grantham Institute, Imperial College London; Laure de Preux, assistant professor, Imperial College London Business School; Ilaria Dorigatti, senior lecturer, Imperial College London School of Public Health; Kristine Belesova, senior lecturer, global population health, Imperial College London School of Public Health; Thomas Rawson, research associate, Jameel Institute; Jem Woods, professor of sustainable development, faculty of natural sciences and environmental policy, Imperial College London; Sandeep Bhargava, manager, CS JP Morgan Sustainable Nutrition Fund; Fergus Craig, commercial director, AXA Health; Madeleine Thompson, head of impacts and adaptation, Wellcome Trust.

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