البرنامج الصيفي لعيادة عبد اللطيف جميل لتعلم الآلة في معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا
The MIT Jameel Clinic held two weeks of summer programmes for high school students to engage on the topic of AI in healthcare. Two one-week cohorts totaling 51 Boston-area students from diverse backgrounds convened at MIT to attend courses on coding in Python, Clinical AI and drug discovery. Students also partook in field trips to Massachusetts General Hospital, the Museum of Science Boston, Janssen Pharmaceuticals and Amgen. The summer camp was made available at no cost to participating students through support from the AI for Humanity Foundation and Community Jameel.
Distinguished professor and Jameel Clinic AI faculty lead, Regina Barzilay, discussed the personal significance of organising the camp and ensuring its accessibility to students from diverse backgrounds. "Going to university transformed my life. Many of the students in the programme have similar backgrounds. I hope that exposing them to exciting science at MIT will open new opportunities for them."