Case study: How aggressively should a bank pursue AI?
هارفارد بزنس ريفيو الصحافة
George Westerman, principal research scientist for Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab (J-WEL) Workforce Learning co-authors a case study with Thomas Davenport exploring the extent to which a bank should pursue and uptake AI. In their example, a CEO of a bank faces a pivotal decision to make a substantial investment into making the bank an AI-first institution, substantially reducing head count and the number of branches. Two experts offer advice: Noemie Ellezam-Danielo, the chief digital and AI strategy at Société Générale, and Sastry Durvasula, the chief information and client services officer at TIAA.
هارفارد بزنس ريفيو الصحافة
هارفارد بزنس ريفيو الصحافة
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