J-WEL Week 2024: AI4Ed
The Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab (J-WEL) hosts J-WEL Week 2024: AI4Ed on 6-9 May 2024 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) campus in Cambridge, MA, USA. This year's edition of J-WEL Week explores generative AI in education and advances collective conversations about how best to serve all learners through the use of the technology. Members are invited to a series of panels, presentations, co-creation exercises and workshops to promote knowledge share and resource development to benefit campuses, educators and students across the J-WEL network.
On Tuesday, May 7, the event's morning session will be open to the public and live-streamed. The session, 'AI's education revolution: What will it take?', includes remarks from Anjali Sastry, faculty director of J-WEL; Daniel Huttenlocher, dean of the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing and chair of the MIT Jameel Clinic; Andrew Lo, the Charles E. and Susan T. Harris Professor of Finance and director of laboratory and financial engineering at MIT Sloan School of Management; Per Urlaub, director of MIT Global Languages and Eva Dessein, senior lecturer and lead for the French language programme at MIT Global Languages. Register for online attendance to the session here.