ظهور عيادة سيبيل التابعة لمعهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا جميل في قائمة أفضل 10 مستشفيات في العالم في نيوزويك

كامبريدج ، ماساتشوستس

Sybil, the artificial intelligence (AI) tool developed by the MIT Jameel Clinic to predict lung cancer up to six years before it can be detected by mainstream techniques, has featured in the 2024 edition of Newsweek's annual ranking of the top-10 best hospitals in the world.

Placed fifth in this year's Newsweek list, Massachusetts General Hospital collaborated with the MIT Jameel Clinic to develop Sybil, using data from low-dose computed tomography scans.

The MIT Jameel Clinic plans to deploy Sybil internationally through the MIT Jameel Clinic AI Hospital Network, which was launched with support from the Wellcome Trust and which comprises hospitals worldwide, including in Saudi Arabia, India, Mexico and Nigeria.

Co-founded in 2018 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Community Jameel, the MIT Jameel Clinic is the epicentre of AI and health at MIT. It is led by three faculty leads – Professors Regina Barzilay, Jim Collins and Dimitris Bertsimas – and chaired by Professor Dan Huttenlocher, inaugural dean of the Schwarzman College of Computing at MIT, with Nobel-laureate Professor Phillip Sharp as chair of the advisory board.

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